Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Today, Tate has a fever. He has just wanted to be held most of the day. I called Dr. Maloff and he wanted me to have him checked out by his primary doctor to make sure he didn't have ear infection or anything. Dr. Holmstead checked him out and couldn't find anything. So, Dr. Maloff met us at therapy this afternoon to check him out. He did give some reassuring news. He couldn't see any sign of infection. So they think he just may have a little bug or might be getting more teeth. Dr. Maloff thought Tate's hands looked quite well. He said the right hand is definitely worse, but even his fingers that they have been worried about (on his r. hand) looked lots better today. He thinks his hands are going to heal quite well. Much better than he expected. He goes in tomorrow morning at 8 for more therapy, also on Sunday. Monday we see Dr. Maloff again. He said Tate will probably continue with therapy through next week, then we will see how he is doing. His fever was a bit better tonight and he was smiling a bit more. We are feeling very blessed with the news we received today. He still has a long road ahead, but we feel we are very lucky. Thanks to everyone for all your help and prayers!